Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Answers to Presidential Trivia

Here are the Answers to last week's Presidential Trivia

1) Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump
2) five- John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy
3) Theodore Roosevelt
4) Woodrow Wilson ( degree from Johns Hopkins University )
5) Twelve Presidents did not attain college degrees including George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
6) Four- Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson , Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama
7) Jimmy Carter was the only Naval Academy graduate.
8) Thomas Jefferson
9) John F. Kennedy - Profiles in Courage
10) Barack Obama

How many did  you get correct?

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Presidential Trivia

In researching material for my upcoming book, The Presidential Literary Circle,  I came across a number of fun facts about US presidents that I would like to share with our readers. See if you can answer these questions.
1) Which two Presidents have stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
2) How many Presidents attended Harvard University for their undergraduate college?
3) Which US President has written the most books?
4) Who is the only President to have earned a Ph.d?
5) How many Presidents did not have college degrees?
6) How many Presidents were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
7) Who is the only President that is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy?
8) Which President published his first book anonymously in Paris?
9) Who is the only President whose book earned the Pulitzer Prize?
10) Which former president has received the largest has advance for his memoirs?

Good Luck.- answers next time

Sunday, May 5, 2019

John F. Kennedy and Immigration

Prior to his assassination, President John F. Kennedy was in the process of writing a book that was to be titled " A Nation of Immigrants." In this manuscript, Kennedy wrote of the great contributions that many of the immigrant groups made when they came to America. He wrote the efforts of the Irish, the Italians and other ethnic group that arrived in the US between 1880 and 1924 when the immigration laws in this country changed. The last two chapters of the book was devoted to arguments that Kennedy hoped to be able to use to persuade Congress to change the outdated immigration laws. Tragically, Kennedy was gunned down in Dallas on November 22,1963 before completing the work. The book was ultimately published in 1964 with the introduction written by Abraham Foxman, then executive director of of the AntiDefamation League ( ADL). Kennedy had written articles on the topic of immigration for the ADL's magazine when he was a United States Senator from Massachusetts and had also given an important speech when we was honored by the organization. In 1965 Congress did pass an Immigration and Naturalization Act which was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson. Kennedy's book is as relevant  now as it was then. A new edition was just released in 2018 with a new introduction by the current executive director of the ADL, which now holds the copyright to the book.
For more information about Presidential literature - books written by US Presidents, be sure to look for my upcoming book " The Presidents' Literary Circle."

Thursday, February 14, 2019

A Thought for Presidents Day

Books Written By US Presidents

There have been over 150 books written by Presidents of the United States either before, during or after their terms in office. Only one such book was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and that is Profiles in Courage , written by John F. Kennedy. Kennedy wrote this book while he was a junior United States Senator from Massachusetts. He examines the lives of eight of his predecessors in Congress that took courageous stands against the politics of the day, whether it be the Civil War or the Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson. Interestedly enough, the first senator  that Kennedy wrote about was John Quincy Adams, who was his predecessor as a Senator from Massachusetts.
Profiles in Courage went on to become a best seller and has been re-issued several times.
 A 26 week television series based on the book was produced in 1965. Kennedy wrote several other books including Why England Slept and A Nation of Immigrants, but Profiles is the best known.