If you have not already been doing so, there is still some time to get your students ready for President Obama’s second Presidential Inauguration. While the President will take the official oath of office on Sunday, Jan 20th as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, most of the activities and festivities will occur on Monday January 21st which this year also coincides with the celebration Martin Luther King’s birthday. The theme of this year’s Inauguration is “Faith in America’s Future.”
Here is the official oath of Office:
“ I do solemnly swear ( or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve ,protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
There are many websites you can direct your student top to obtain information photos and stories that will surround this historic event. One great site is that of the Newseum in Washington, DC. This is a museum all about news and the media. The site has a wealth of information about the inauguration. If you were lucky enough to get a ticket for the Newseum on Monday ($100 per ticket) you would have a great seat for the parade. Go to http://www.newseum.org/.
Another site which might get the interest of your students is http://www.inaugural.senate.gov/. Here you will find information not only about the ceremony but also what is being served for the Inaugural Luncheon and other events taking place that day.
The official White House web site http://www.whitehouse.gov/ has information about the President, First Lady as well as Vice President Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden. You will be able to read transcripts of press conferences and up to date information about goings on at the White House.
http://www.presidential-inauguration.com/inaugural-parade/ is the official website of Presidential Inauguation.com. You can find information here about obtaining tickets for events, the Inaugural Balls, the Parade and other events, traffic and weather conditions, etc.
You and your students will be able to follow events live on television and on the Internet. Be sure to take advantage of these historic activities.
c.2013 J. Margolis
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