Tuesday, April 7, 2015

American Exceptionalism

If all of the borders between nations were eliminated and people were able to move freely and choose where they wanted to live, where would they go? If worldwide college students could choose any college to attend where would they come? If there is a trouble spot anywhere in the world, where does the world look for guidance? If you answered the United States, you would be correct on all three counts. That is an extremely heavy burden to place on one country- a country that does not have the largest population (That’s China)- a country that does not possess the greatest land area (Russia).  We could go on and discuss Nobel Laureates and such but the point of this discussion is this- Since the United States is the “ exceptional” nation in the world of nations, how does the country strive to educate its children to fulfill this obligation for future generations?

First we need to de-politicize the education process. Education is an economic issue, as we need an educated population to propel the economy. Education is a security issue, as we need a population capable of defending itself and its fellow citizens. Third – education is a social issue. All Americans need to have the opportunity to acquire as much knowledge as they desire, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or financial position. The goals of education should not be legislated by Congress based on some arbitrary calculation. It should not be the political football of presidential candidates (Who isn’t or doesn’t want to be the Education President?)

All Americans whether in the education profession or not, needs to be engaged in the public education process. After all, the future of the nation is at stake.

C.2015 J.Margolis

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