Friday, June 19, 2015

The Battle Against Civility

Of all of the things that we are teaching our children both at home and in school, the one topic we seem to be failing in is the area of human rights. How else can you explain the rise of Anti-Semitism in the United States? How else can you explain this week’s brutal and senseless church killings in Charleston, South Carolina? How else can you explain that on February 10,2015 three Muslim-American students were killed assassination style, in Chapel Hill North Carolina? We can debate all we want about whether this is a gut reaction to worldwide terrorism or is it something more sinister creeping into American culture. The fact is that tolerance doesn’t seem to be taught with any degree of success in the homes and schools in the United States. Even President Obama, in a speech this week expressed his sadness and frustration.

One organization that is trying to fight the rising tide of violence and hatred is “Not in OuTown(NIOT). Not In Our Town is a movement to stop hate, address bullying, and build safe, inclusive communities for all. This organization is spearheading a nationwide effort against hatred and bullying. Check out their website at Information is available at this site for schools, communities as well as law enforcement.

j. Margolis 2015

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