Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Back to School Shopping Has Started !


I know that the Fourth of July was just last week, but I have already begun to see school supplies being stocked on store shelves. Sending a child to school can be expensive, even if public school students do not have to pay for their textbooks. Between clothes and supplies, the cost can be in the hundreds of dollars. Just like anything else, it pays to shop around. Just the other day, I was in a dollar store and saw loose leaf binders for $1each. I also saw pens, glue sticks and a myriad of other supplies available for the same price.  In some elementary schools across the country, teachers have already sent home a supply list for the fall. If not, I would recommend waiting until the first day of school to obtain the list. For items like computers or tablets, it would be prudent to shop the Internet for the best prices and compare hardware and software contents.
If you are required to purchase textbooks, or supplemental reading material, it is best to shop on line. Used copies, as long as it is the same edition, can be found on sites like and
That being said- enjoy the rest of your summer. My friends in Florida tell me that school starts in a month.

c.2016 J. Margolis

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