Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Stop Killing Our Children !

It is becoming far too commonplace. Hardly a week goes by without hearing about a shooting in one of our schools. There have been 6 deaths and 25 injuries since the start of 2018. The most recent incident occurred in a Los Angeles middle school where four students and a teacher were injured Innocent children and teachers get murdered for no good reason.  The shootings are not limited to one geographic area of the United States. Recent incidents have occurred in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Kentucky, North Carolina and Arizona. Schools are supposed to be safe places- a nurturing environment where young minds can get challenged to reach their full potential. For many students school is also the place to get a nutritious meal or basic medical care. Schools are mini- communities where students can learn social skills and the value of positive peer relationships. Schools are also training facilities for future athletes.
Schools across the country have had to implement extra security procedures and have hired police officers or sheriff’s deputies to patrol school buildings. We need to continue to seek ways to keep our children safe. The discussion of school safety will ultimately lead to a discussion about gun control. Usually, when someone brings the issue up after a horrific shooting, there is always someone who states,” This is not the time to talk about gun control.” Actually it is. Sadly there have even been deniers who claim that the Sandy Hook Massacre was a hoax!
 Remember, “ Even on your worst day as a teacher, you are some student’s best hope.” With that in mind, we must find a way to keep our children safe.

C.2018 J. Margolis

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