Thursday, September 26, 2013

Visiting Presidential Libraries

One of the goals on my ‘to do’ list is to visit all of the Presidential Libraries. At the present time there are thirteen of them spread out across the United States. The newest library, completed this past spring is that of George W. Bush (Bush 43) is located on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.
All of the libraries are administered by NARA, the National Archives and Records Administration. When a President leaves office, he usually donates his papers and artifacts to the government. The president selects a city- usually in the state he is from -to house the library and museum. The archives are displayed for the public to view and for researchers to work with. Three of the museums are in Texas, Bush 41, Lyndon Johnson and Bush 43. There are two libraries in California, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. The other libraries are spread out across the country.
While the federal act that established presidential libraries started with Herbert Hoover, the first library was established in Hyde Park,, New York, home of Franklin D. Roosevelt. (
While most schools are far away from libraries, they all have web sites with information that can be used in the classrooms. Resources for teachers can be found at
Here is a list of the thirteen official Presidential Libraries and their locations;

1)      Franklin D. Roosevelt- Hyde Park, New York
2)      John F. Kennedy- Boston, Mass.
3)      Jimmy Carter- Atlanta, Georgia
4)      William J. Clinton- Little Rock, Ark
5)      Harry Truman- Independence , Mo
6)      Dwight D. Eisenhower- Abilene, KS
7)      Lyndon Johnson- Austin, TX
8)      George H.W. Bush- College Station, TX
9)      George W. Bush- Dallas, TX
10)   Richard Nixon- Yorba Linda, CA
11)   Ronald Regan- Simi Valley, CA
12)   Herbert Hoover- Iowa
13)   Gerald Ford- Michigan
Notes – One of the newest and most interactive museums is the Lincoln Library and Museum in Springfield, Ill. This library and museum is the most student friendly of all that have visited. If your school happens to be in the area, this would make a great field trip. One last note- A new George Washington Presidential Library has just opened at the Washington home in Mt. Vernon, VA.

C.2013 J. Margolis

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