Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Working with Grandparents

Rugters University in New Jersey has an Extension Division program that conducts workshops for grandparents raising and educating children. If that fact seems surprising to you then you should know that according to a study conducted by the US Census Bureau, there are approximately 2.8 million children who are currently under the care and supervision of their grandparents. In a few cases there are even great- grandparents raising children, two generations removed from their own.

There are multiple causes for the societal breakdown and the blame cannot be easily placed on one group. In some cases parents are deceased or are incarcerated. In other situations, the parents may have deserted or abandoned their children for financial or other reasons.  In other circumstances , parents are in the military and have been deployed to overseas locations for extended periods of time.

Whatever the reason, classroom teachers must be sensitive to the needs of students living under these conditions. They need to take the time and patience to explain to grandparents the essence of the curriculum and you expectations in the classroom. They are many grandparents out there who are not computer literate and thus find it difficult to help children with assignments that they cannot comprehend technologically. Teachers need to be sensitive and compassionate when dealing with grandparents and make every effort to be as accessible and resourceful as possible .As always you comments and suggestions are welcome.

c.2013 J. Margolis

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