Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Twenty First Century Civics Lesson

Last week I had the opportunity to be a lobbyist for day. I was invited to the office of two members of the United States House of Representatives in Washingt0n, DC to discuss the increase of global anti-Semitism and request the congressmen’s support to join a Congressional task fore to investigate acts of anti-Semitism and to confer with the their counterparts in other countries. The Cannon Office building in Washington is home to many members of the House of Representatives. I was not alone on the day of my visit. There are many other citizens visiting many members of congress to enlist their support for a wide variety of issues. I saw one veterans group lobbying for improved treatment of our veterans.  Members of other organizations were there to discuss the ongoing US negotiations with Iran regarding nuclear weapons.

This is how our system works. I encourage everyone who is passionate about a cause          to write his or her congressman or congresswoman.  Plan a visit to their district office in your town. When in our nation’s capital, stop in to their office. Even if the member of congress is not available, you might have the opportunity to meet with a legislative aid or assistant. They keep track of voters’ feelings about a wide variety of issues. If you are not satisfied with their work, you can always register your displeasure on Election Day.

c. 2015 J.Margolis

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