Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer’s Over, Professional Development Reading is Not !

For a number of classroom teachers, it’s hard to realize that the new school year starts next week. For those of you who had grand plans for summer reading, it might be a bit too late. However there are a number of excellent books for educators out there that you should make time to read.
On the top of your list should be Diane Ravitch’s most recent book, “The Death and Life of the Great American School System- How Testing and Choice are Undermining Education.” Never one to mince words, Ravitch has been a critic for all that is wrong in American public education.

Another compelling look at school children is “I Wish My Teacher Knew,” by Kyle Schwartz. The author takes a look at letters written by students about their personal lives and how they wished that teachers knew about their troubles and how they could reach out for help.

If you are a first year teacher, the one book you should not be without is “ The First Days of School,” by Harry and Rosemary Wong. This book has been out for a while and Wong goes into great detail informing novice teachers about what to expect in the classroom and issues that every first year teacher will face. This should be required reading.

Finally, to take a look in to the soul of why we teach, be sure to pick any one of Jonathan Kozol’s books.-"Savage Inequalities," and the 1967 classic “ Death at an Early Age ”are just a  few.
Best wishes for a successful and meaningful 2016-17 school year.

c.2016  J. Margolis

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